SITC has a laser focus on providing a carefully, lovingly curated safe and non-judgemental online peer support space for rural & remote Australians to connect. Whether you're curious about sobriety or in need of detox; we've listed some steps we think will help if you're new, rural or remote, and needing a leg-up in one or all of those areas. If you're not rural or remote - keep scrolling - we've listed the plentiful orgs that can support you, right on your own doorstep:
Bush Tribe : our peer support ''family'' online for those who are rural or remote and wanting to cut back or quit the booze.
FUNDED detox support: thanks to our core funding partners at The Snow Foundation, we are working on a project to get some fully funded tele-health detoxes into rural and remote homes for those we're already supporting via our peer group. Stay tuned for more.