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media | content kit | non-negotiables for SITC

Whether you're a community organisation hosting us for an event or you're a national media outlet, SITC is happy to provide content and help you with tiles, interviews, etc. We need all media sent to us for a check before publication. This is a non-negotiable of ours as the language we use is intentional and has been crafted with immense care - so we need you to get this 100% right, too. Simply send your social media tile or query to us via and we will check / confirm, and amend if needed.

Correct short intro option for Sober in the Country Ltd charity: SITC is a grassroots not-for-profit leading radical change and social impact across rural Australia by changing the narrative around booze in the bush through straight-talk, powerful lived-experience advocacy, and the #OK2SAYNO movement. 

Or, an introduction for Shanna + SITC: Shanna Whan is the rural woman, CEO, creator and founder Sober in the Country Ltd. She was awarded 2022 ''Australian of the Year'' Local Hero for her relentless bravery, leadership, and life-saving advocacy in rural health. After overcoming her own lifelong battle from trauma-linked alcohol addiction in 2015, she vowed to step up and 'do what she could with what she had' to be part of the change that was so clearly and so desperately needed. Her work has since evolved into a nationally respected grassroots organisation changing and saving lives and preventing generational harm. Far from being anti-alcohol; the charity focuses on straight talk, peer support, social inclusion, and the #OK2SAYNO movement.


Please note if you are interviewing Shanna, the correct pronunciation is: Shanna-like-Anna | Whan-like-Swan (if you're struggling please just feel free to say ''Shan'')

IMAGES: below are a vast selection of current images in portrait, landscape, B&W and colour.

Choose whichever you prefer and you can simply email for a high res copy and proof. Ditto with logos or whatever you need.

download (2).jpeg

Sober in the Country Ltd acknowledges the exceptional generosity of our core funders and main philanthropic partners:

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