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Signing a Contract

Sober in the Country Ltd

Summary of activities | Constitution



Sober in the Country Ltd is registered as a charity with DGR status through the ACNC (the Australian charities and not-for-profit commissions.) Our ABN is 92 636 739 645. Or you're welcome to visit the ACNC website for more.


The charity is reaching its overall mission and aims by:


  • connecting isolated regional, remote and rural peers to each other (and to resources) in a safe, anonymous online space through our Bush Tribe platform

  • providing ''real talk'' (using a lived experience approach)

  • sharing education daily via our various social media channels

  • working alongside and collaborating with like-minded key national alcohol awareness bodies

  • providing a rural lived-experience voice to cross share

  • sharing messaging around social inclusion and the link between mental health and alcohol awareness

  • sharing our ''OK2SAYNO'' campaign and creating national social impact

  • securing multi-year funding with support of key philanthropic organisations

  • working towards a national 'Sober in the Country' day and annual fundraiser

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